hamster wheels 101

Hello hamster court. 
This post is about hamster wheels.( you can look at the video above)  Hamsters can run 5-10 miles a night so having a wheel is very important.
When choosing a wheel there are two things to look out for.
  • wheel size
  • wheel materiel
First I will talk about wheel size.
The wheel size depends on your species of hamster, 

Chinese and Syrian- 8 inch when they are babies but as they grow you will need a 10-12 inch wheel.

dwarf hamster- 6-8   inch wheel 

Wheel size is important as a to small wheel can cause back issues as the back will bend. 

Now lets talk about wheel materiel.
The wheel materiel you need is a solid running surface and you should avoid any wire or mesh wheels as these can cause bumble foot which is an bacterial infection caused by bacteria getting in a  cut which is not fun for your pet hamster.

 So please do your research and not get a small wheel or a wire mesh wheel!

goodbye for now🐹  


  1. hi hamster court I hope I can help anyone who is stuck on what wheel to choose!


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