
Before getting a hamster you should know this

Hamsters might be small and short lived but that doesn’t mean They deserve a bad life here are 5 things to know.   1.hamsters are more time-consuming than you think.For instance you should really take them out for a least 20 minutes a day you Could play with them free roam themWhat even pop some in a dry bath tub with a towel. and you have to spot clean full clean change water  and food ect. 2. Hamsters need large cages. In the UK it is a bare minimum of 4000 cm² therefore you need to make sure that you have the room for a cage because something like a tiny tales or a quitter Trail really isn’t that big enough because just because hamster is a small natural behaviours they’re borrowing and foraging and that needs a lot of space 3.Most pet store products aren’t safe. Therefore just because the product says it’s safe in a pet store doesn’t mean it is if you want to check out my blog post on a dangerous hamster projects and then you can check that out and I plan on doing a p...

How to clean a hamster cage

Hello Hamster court Hamster cage cleaning is a thing all hamster owners must do  must do. But how often? And how? Today i will tell you how clean a hamster  cage. First of all you should only fully clean the cage once a moth because cleaning is stressful fo hamsters and should not be done weekly like you’re often told. Instead every few days or every day depending on how messy you hamster is you spot clean. This means going through your hamsters borrows and wheel usually and sometimes Sand bath (  like bingly who always uses his sand bath as his litter box) and removing all the urine.  You do this more often because urine is wet and anything wet builds up bacteria.  Then once a month go through the cage all the accessories and hamster and put him/Her in a travel cage then remove only half the bedding  ( the messiest bit) and pit it in the bin. ( If you can remove only 1/3rd of the bedding.) Then put the other half in a bag to replace at the end. Next remove...

Binglys 5 favourite things

So today I am doing something a little different but it will be fun. here is a list of binglys favourite things 1. mealworms  Bingly loves meal worms and has one a day 2. his  seed puzzle toy This is a block of birch wood that is hollowed out and filled with tasty seeds which are stuck in there are also three holes so the hamster bites at the seed through the holes and bingly loves it 3.his sand bath  Bingly really likes to dig in the sand and it is really nice to watch because he is so cute 4. borrowing in the corners bingly loves to build nests and borrow and he usually choses the corners of his cage 5. bonding with me and my family bingly is so calm and a joy to play with and he loves bonding to :) So there you have it my hamsters favourite things!  do you have a pet? what does he/ she love?

4 Unsafe hamster products

Hello hamster court, Today i will talk about unsafe hamster products and alternatives you can use. The first product is wire mesh wheels, these wheels are unsafe because the rungs or mesh can hurt your hamsters feet and cause bumble foot. Instead use a plastic wheel. Trixi wheels and silent spinners work well, but make shure they are the right size. The next product is cotton or fluff nesting. This is unsafe because the strands can get caught on your hamsters limbs also if your hamster accidentally swallows some it could get stuck. Instead you can use toilet paper and tear it up, it is budget friendly and safe. Another unsafe product is hamster balls.  This topic is quite controversial but I do not like them because it is quite stressful to the hamster and they could fall down Stairs, if you have any other pets and a dog or cat just touches the ball that’s quite frightening to the hamster, so in the end the cons outweigh the pros so you really shouldn’t use them. Instead put a blan...

meet bingly

hamster cage setup

hamster cupboard tour

Hear is a tour of my hamster supplies cupboard I hope you like it!